Terms of use

Welcome to Luzjardin.com, please take a few minutes to read the terms of use. Your purchase and use of our website constitutes your approval of these terms of use.

These terms of use may change

Luzjardin.com reserves the right to change these terms of use at any time without prior notice.


The contents of Luzjardin.com including any text, images, graphics and designs, icons, as well as the design, structure, software and programming thereof is the exclusive property of Luzjardin.com.

El sitio Internet www.luzjardin.com y direcciones derivadas pertenecen a SOJO SERT S.L. (distribuidor de marca Lightpro) domiciliada en Carrer del Prat 17, 08480, L Ametlla del Valles, Barcelona, con el número N.I.F. B67253286. Su dirección de correo electrónico es info@luzjardin.com

The use by the users of the contents of the web in no case supposes the transfer of the rights of exploitation on these. None of these elements may be reproduced, modified, transmitted, communicated or used in any other commercial or public object, by any means, without prior written authorization of Luzjardin.com.

It is expressly prohibited any alteration, change, modification or adaptation of this website or any information contained therein, except by persons or entities expressly authorized to do so by Luzjardin.com.

User Reviews

We are happy to receive comments from our website. In any case, all comments, suggestions, notes, messages, ideas and other communications (generally “comments”) sent to our website will remain the exclusive property of Luzjardin.com, as well as the rights of any kind of these comments. Luzjardin.com may use, reproduce, disclose, publish, and distribute any material you submit to us for any purpose, without restriction or compensation of any kind. For this reason, we ask you not to send us any comments you do not want to give us, including confidential information or any creative material such as product ideas or original work.

Links to other sites

The introduction, by the user, through a link owned by a third party to Luzjardin.com, as well as the inclusion of a link to Luzjardin.com, must comply with the following conditions, which are only enunciative: the link links with The page, but this one can not be reproduced in whole or in part; The links can not induce the error or confusion about the origin of the content of the page, or any other action contrary to the law; The page that makes the link must be in accordance with the current legislation applicable to this matter.

The existence of a link does not imply in any case the existence of relations between Luzjardin.com and the owner of the website in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by Luzjardin.com of the contents or services offered by that web to its Users.


This website and all its contents do not give any kind of guarantees, implicit or explicit and in no case will Becamar be liable to the user for any loss or damage arising from any use of this website and its content. Nothing contained in these conditions shall be understood as granting any right, title or interest in favor of the user with respect to Luzjardin.com

Product Information

Most of the products shown on this website are available at Luzjardin.com stores. In some cases, some article shown on our website will not be available in our stores.

Shipping costs

The shipping costs depend on the type of product and the destination to get them as tight as possible, we will inform you of these expenses in the buying process.

The cost of the shipment is for a home delivery as long as the means of access to the farm are optimal. If necessary use crane, etc. Will be on behalf of the client and the agency will send the corresponding budget for approval.

Information and typographical errors

In some cases it may happen that the information on our website has typographical errors, inaccurate data or omissions related to product descriptions, prices and availability. Luzjardin.com reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, and to change or update the information at any time without prior notice.